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Privacy Risks vs. Security Risks, Greek Watergate, Data Privacy Week, and more!

Updated: May 8, 2023

Privacy Risks vs. Security Risks

We're almost a month into the New Year. Can you believe it? It was predicted that 2023 would be the year for data privacy laws, but even we are shocked at how much has happened in the past four weeks. There's a lot to explore, from an apparent data privacy skills gap to 'Greek Watergate' and Data Privacy Week.

In this article, we'll go over today's hottest news on data privacy. Well, what are you waiting for? Let's dive right on in.

Take advantage of these top headlines from the week!

  • Cybersecurity is a huge topic across all industries and around the world. As new laws like the Virginia Consumer Data Privacy Act (VCDPA), Colorado Privacy Act (CPA), California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UTCPA), Quebec Bill 64, and Connecticut Privacy Act (CTPA) are being signed into law, the C-suite is growing concerned.

  • Not only is there a lot of misinformation floating around, but there also seems to be a widening skills gap and lack of funding. Companies know how costly it can be to flout privacy laws, but they still need to figure out how to tackle the issue. One mistake that businesses are making today is confusing security incidents with privacy incidents. They aren't the same – and getting one mixed up with the other can be risky and expensive.

  • In a scandal coined 'Greek Watergate,' the European Parliament's PEGA committee investigates wiretapping and other privacy issues. Although this issue is complicated and a bit tricky to understand, we know that data privacy is a valuable commodity – even in the government. Experts predict that this investigation's results may affect upcoming political elections and cause widespread unrest.

  • It's Data Privacy Week! This "event" celebrates the value of data privacy in an ever-expansive digital landscape. Many tech companies use this to spread awareness about data privacy concerns, new laws, or the history of data privacy. Remember, Data Privacy Week ends with a splash on Data Privacy Day, January 28! How are you celebrating?

  • Both coasts of the United States have seen enhanced data privacy scrutiny as new laws have been enacted. Virginia with the Virginia Consumer Data Privacy Act (VCDPA) and California with the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) are just two out of five states in the USA to adopt data privacy laws. By December 31, 2023, they'll be joined by Connecticut, Colorado, and Utah. All emerging laws are modeled closely on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If businesses haven't already, they need to lock down a strategy for how to stay in compliance.

  • Europe is exploring Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) with the Royal Society's Privacy Enhancing Technologies program. The goal is to arm businesses with the tools they need to stay data privacy compliant, mitigate risks, and benefit the general public.

  • In more news about PETs, organizations worldwide are taking note of the Royal Society's initiative. This articlegoes into depth on location-tracking data, how it helps businesses, and its potential to be harmful. Companies that use sensitive data like location tracking must be extra careful handling that information, and PETs can help.

  • Even though they've been in the news lately for data privacy violations, Apple is attempting to repair its reputation with education and awareness around the seriousness of data privacy. Their latest session on Today at Apple® will star Ted Lasso's Nick Mohammad and illustrate a typical day in an average end user's data life.

  • Surprisingly, Oregon does not have its own data privacy law. However, that hasn't stopped individual companies from championing the value of data privacy. Most recently, the University of Oregon partnered with the National Cybersecurity Alliance with tips for being a data privacy snob. We probably wouldn't use the word "snob" when it comes to data privacy, but hey – if it works, it works!

Keep the importance of data privacy from passing you by!

It can be challenging to keep up with existing, new, and emerging privacy laws. That's why we recommend a Consent Management Platform (CMP). And no, it's not just because we offer them. A CMP will give your organization the transparency and information you need to make intelligent decisions regarding data privacy. With the right solution in place, you won't have to worry about fines, scandals, audits, or loss of reputation. Getting your company globally compliant with data privacy laws doesn't have to be a headache with the right solution.

Adzapier's CMP comes with 14 days of free compliance with local and global laws. Schedule a demo with one of our privacy experts, and they'll get you up and running within 30 minutes. By the end of the call, you'll understand better how our product works – and why data privacy is so important. Doesn't that sound like a good deal?

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